Jillian Cohan Martin
OVERVIEW | Jillian is an expert strategist, storyteller, editor and team leader with 20-plus years’ experience. Her specialties include collaborative content strategy development, inclusive storytelling, health literacy, and presenting complex ideas in authentic, plain language.
EXPERIENCE | Formerly an award-winning editor and producer for media outlets such as The Houston Chronicle and The Oregonian, Jill makes sure that all client deliverables are rigorously fact checked, follow best practices, and are aligned with brand and editorial style guidelines. Most recently, she has supported healthcare organizations, clean energy advocates and higher education institutions in their efforts to offer more inclusive storytelling.
EDUCATION | M.A. in journalism and communications, Syracuse University; B.A. in English, Smith College (cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa); Certificate, Radcliffe Publishing Institute at Harvard University.
Rukaiyah Adams
Bates College
Cambia Health Solutions
Center for Equity and Inclusion
Energy Trust of Oregon
Forth Mobility
Linfield University
Moda Health
Portland General Electric